Rising with this expansion is the fearsome Death Knight hero class, available to all players and starting at level 55. We’re looking forward to providing an authentic experience for returning veterans and an awesome adventure for newcomers exploring Azeroth for the first time.” “All of this and more made it a favorite of many of our players and us at Blizzard as well. “The epic moments in Wrath of the Lich King Classic feature vast icy environments, unique dungeons and raids, and a gripping conclusion to the story of Prince Arthas,” said World of Warcraft executive producer Holly Longdale. There they’ll experience some of the most breathtaking vistas and beloved storylines in all of Warcraft ® as they make hard-fought progress in their effort to breach Icecrown and defeat one of the direst threats Azeroth has ever known. To confront the Lich King, players will embark on a treacherous journey through the wintry forests and snowy peaks of the continent of Northrend, the single largest land mass Blizzard ever added to the game with an expansion (until the upcoming release of World of Warcraft ®: Dragonflight). This expansion will launch globally at 3pm PDT and will be available on all World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic ™ realms. Blizzard Entertainment announced today that the forces of the Horde and the Alliance will have another chance to bring a fitting end to one of World of Warcraft ®’s most iconic villains starting September 26, when the company releases Wrath of the Lich King Classic ™, the authentic re-creation of WoW ®’s acclaimed second expansion, at no additional cost to all players with an active subscription. IRVINE, Calif.-( BUSINESS WIRE)-From atop the frozen throne of Icecrown Citadel, the Lich King Arthas Menethil-once a fierce paladin prince consumed and corrupted by a misguided zeal to save his people at any cost-marshals his undead army into war against the inhabitants of Azeroth.